iHealth Core — modernized floor scales, which are equipped with a BMI-analyzer to measure the physiological parameters of a person.
A smart device, through a weak electrical signal, can measure a lot of vital indicators: body mass index, bone and muscle tissue content, visceral fat volume and others, and then make certain recommendatory tips that will help you to adhere to proper nutrition, choose products with a certain caloric content.
Precautionary measures
In the process of measuring your body’s parameters, a weak electrical signal passes through the bioelectric analyzer of your body’s resistance. It is safe for people and you won’t feel it.
It is important to adhere to precautions for persons with a pacemaker, an electrocardiograph, and other medical devices that are implanted in the body and/or used for the life support purposes. For such individuals, as well as for pregnant women, it is contraindicated to use scales directly. Please put on slippers if you decide to use them so that the transmitted electrical current that is necessary for measuring the body’s statistics won’t affect the performance of the medical devices providing life support, and for pregnant women, it won’t affect the fetus.
It is not recommended to use scales for persons with a pacemaker and women during pregnancy!
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