Today is a birthday of Xiaomi’s firmware for smartphones and tablet computers — MIUI. It is based on the Google Android operating system. This is one of the most widespread firmware in a world.
MIUI (that mean “Mi User Interface”) firstly was launched on 16 of August in 2010. Seven years ago it was a firmware for usual software developers. They could install it on their smartphones. Unfortunately, at that time there wasn’t any serious attitude to this firmware. But when Xiaomi launched their first smartphone with pre-installed MIUI, everything has changed.
Now it is very popular in a world and more than 200 million of people use it. All the bugs are fixes every week by specialists that make you able to download a version with little changes.Also, the main advantage of this firmware is that it will be suitable for people, who don’t want to change smartphone after two years of using ( as we know many companies stop supporting the firmware updating for older models).Unlike the other companies, Xiaomi do everything possible to let your old smartphone to use a new version of the update.
MIUI has an interesting interface with low energy consumption level and different functions. For example, the company recently has started the updating of MiUi9 in smartphones. Xiaomi added a lot of new features, altered the design a bit and fixed bugs — everything to let you experience MIUI like never before. Also, It is very easy in use for everyone. It’s a great pride of Xiaomi and we believe that every year it will become better and better. Happy 7th birthday MIUI!