New member of Mi Ecosystem: Ninebot mini. Xiaomi invested Ninebot a year ago and Ninebot announced its acquisition of Segway this April. We all know that Ninebot and Segway are the giants in the scooter field. And this one, Ninebot mini, is tailored for Mi fans.

Ninebot mini
- Self-balancing scooter
- Speeds of up to 16km/h
- Climbs 15°inclines easily
- Compact, lightweight, shoulder-width length
- Weighs 12.8kg fits easily in the trunk of a car
- High capacity battery pack, 22km in a single charge
- Smart phone controls
- Aerospace-grade magnesium alloy infrastructure.

This is what we launched today ! The innovative Ninebot Mini with unique design. This is where you stand when riding on the scooter. The black color version of Ninebot Mini. Looking cool isn't it?

Comparison side by side between Ninebot Mini and Segway. You can clearly see there is a difference in the size. The segway looks bulky compared to handy Ninebot Mini. Besides that, you can easily master the skill of handling the scooter within few minutes !

The maximun speed this scooter can travel is up to 16km/h and go up 15 degree inclines is not a problem for Ninebot. The weight is only 12.8 kg with shoulder-width length. I am sure most of us are able to carry it.

Due to the small and compact size, this scooter can easily stored too

Here comes everyone's concern, the battery life. Well it has quite an impressive battery life with a single charge and you may travel up to 22km!

Just like other Mi Products, this scooter can be controlled using a Smart phone too ! During the launching event, Lei Jun used this scooter to hand over a bottle of water for him

Many people might think this tiny scooter is not stable enough to support a human's weight. Don't worry, the materials used are high quality to ensure safety of the user. They also take lots of safety precautions into consideration when making this product.

You can choose to buy the protective accessories