The device Xiaomi Mini WI-FI - is your repeater channel WIFI with extra protection.
Also, the device has a 1 terabyte of cloud storage on the server.
Connect your computer, laptop or mobile phone Xiaomi this device to access the Internet. All connected Soup will be connected to the same local network.
By connecting to the Xiaomi Mini WiFi computer with Internet access, you can create a portable network of free WiFi, to your phone and tablet PCs were connected to the same network.
Xiaomi Mini Wifi support devices on Mac, Windows 7/8, PC, Linux.
Now create a point Wifi easier to nowhere! Just plug Xiaomi Mini Wifi to the computer or laptop, install the device connection through the control panel on the PC, and then connect to it from your phone or tablet. That's all! But you first need to establish a connection with a client WiFi MI.
Fit Xiaomi Mini Wifi is very small, making it easy to take it with a pocket - size device resembles a USB flash drive.