Aqara Smart Wireless Switch is a wireless button that is one of the Smart Home Ecosystem devices. At the bottom of the device, you can find a sticker to install the device, an indicator and a special button for its connecting with the mobile gadgets.
Aqara Smart Wireless Switch allows you to turn off all the electrical devices of the “Smart Home” by double tapping, which is very convenient when you leave the house.
The portable one-button device works via the ZigBee connection and can become the multifunctional device. You can use it in different ways: like the remote switcher, the doorbell etc. Just download and open the Mi Home App and you will easily set up the necessary parameters.
With a special adhesive tape you can place it everywhere you want. Use it for different scenarios:
- One-key controller
- Turn off all the Smart Home devices before you go to sleep
- Turn on the lights when you wake up in the night
- Turn-off the devices in one click, if you forgot to do it